Tuesday, August 23, 2011

New Babies At Sage!

We have a lot of new babies to share with you! They've all come tthrough our Sage Avenue office's Earn While You Learn Program!

Linda Rosier with her baby, Karen Lili Janet, and her teacher, Mrs. DeAnne Riley.

Cody and his son, Ashtin, attending classes together.

Stacey and her daughter, Brylin, at their last day of class before she starts college.

EWYL Thursday class (Left to right) Brittany holding Mallory; Raven holding MaKenzley Faith; LeAndrick holding Andi; Miranda (due 8/26) helping to hold Rachel (next)'s twin boys, Liam and Nolan; Jan Marie holding Raven's son, Landon.

Cintrell's 15-day old baby girl, Da'Ryiah.