Thursday, April 7, 2011

2011 Sav A Life Gala

This year's Gala was amazing. We are praising God for the incredable outpouring of generosity and love that was shown! Thank you so much to everyone that made this night a success. We could not have done this with out the time and efforts of our silent auction and fund donnors, volunteers, staff members, and clients that were willing to share their stories! To God be the glory!

Donna Williams, Chairperson of the Board & Susan Baldwin, Executive Director


Current & former clients of SavAlife gave moving testamonies

Hugh Lopes, leader of our "Man Up" program, and his son Caleb

Voices of University of Mobile did an amazing job!

Bruce Wilinson was wonderful!

Excitment filled the room as we learned how much had been given!
Bruce Wilienson signing books at the end of the Gala