Thursday, March 3, 2011

True Love Waits

Students Worshiping through song
Government Street Baptist Church student ministry has been going through a 4 week study on Purity. The first week Lonna and Lori went out and shared God's plan for us, abstinence, and the consequences of not abstaining. Week two Deanna shared about STDs. Last night was testimony night with Heather, her husband Jason, and volunteer Brooke. And next week the boys and girls will be split into separate groups for "Question & Answer" time.

Adam, youth minister, preparing students

We have had a great time helping and sharing God's truth and love with these students and their parents.

If you are interested in a speaker sharing with your youth group please call  one of our centers at 251-473-4000 (Mobile) or 251-675-0911 (North Mobile).


Kyle, youth worship leader

Jason & Adam.
Jason shared his testimony at GSBC
where he use to be a youth and Adam led him to the Lord

Brooke & Heather
Brooke shared her testimony
and Heather shared about healthy relationships