Thursday, October 14, 2010

Why I Walk by Tanya Bosarge

This is my story and this is why I walk:

While I was in my third year of college at Auburn University, I had been living recklessly and without Christ and I realized that I may actually be pregnant. Like most college kids, I had absolutely zero dollars to buy a pregnancy test or go to a 'real' doctor.

There was one image, though, that kept coming to my mind. It was a billboard near my duplex that read in big bold letters: FREE PREGNANCY TESTING. Being the most sensible thing to do, I drove to the billboard to find out where the clinic was located, then drove to the clinic. When I arrived, the workers were so kind. The nurse asked me a few questions, then left me alone in the room for a bit while the lab work was being done.

Keep in mind that I was not a Christian at this time. Oh, I had prayed the prayer, gotten a certificate, been sprinkled and baptized, but I had no relationship with Christ. I never read the Bible. When I tried, it was too weird to understand. I had absolutely no fruit in my life and was not a witness in any way for Him. I was lost.

Even more evidence of my lostness was the fact that I KNEW if I were pregnant, then an abortion would be the next logical step. No doubt about it. I was to be a doctor, for pete's sake! Why would I let something like this ruin my plans? ...Little did I know that I had entered a facility led by Christ himself. That fact slowly crept in while I was sitting on the aesthetic crinkly covering of the clinic's table.

I noticed a plaque on the wall that read: "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11. He knows my plans? Well, duh. But, wait... That's not what it says. It says He has plans for me. Wow. I then saw another that read: “ Before I formed you in the womb I knew you..." Jeremiah 1:5. Uh oh. If I am actually pregnant, this says that He formed and knows the person growing in my womb. HE formed. HE knows. Hmmm... And if He has plans for ME, then He has plans for this child in my belly as well. Yep. God shook me up in that waiting time. Shook me up hard. Even though I was not a Christian, I believed the Word that I had just comprehended (for even the demons believe).

I knew then ~ my circumstances were now part of a plan for me and for this new creation. The Word of God is more powerful than we can ever understand!!!

When the nurse came back in and told me I was pregnant, she allowed me time to absorb the truth, then asked if I had any idea of what I would do. "...I will call my mom and let her know that I will be having a baby in the summer of 1990." Just think, the nurses didn't have to utter one word to me about Christ or His plans. The writing was on the wall.

My daughter Madison on her wedding day.
She is currently a junior in college and
we are greatly blessed by what God is doing
through her.

I must add another personal note: I came to know Christ as my personal Savior and friend in 1999.
My misguided, haphazard search for love was over!

Praise the Lord.
He is my King. ♥

On Saturday, October 23rd, I will be participating in a Walk For Life in Mobile, Al. Will you walk with me?

Please consider donating to this God-sent ministry. Their work is life-saving. You give a set amount ($5, $10, or $20, etc.) and not a per mile pledge. If you would like to be one of my sponsors, please message me on FB or email me at I need your first and last name, the amount of your pledge, your mailing address, and your phone number (optional). You do not need to give me any of the donations as SavALife will contact you.

There are many causes you may fund that help fight diseases or cure illnesses in order to prolong life.

This is a cause that actually gives a baby a chance to breathe at all.